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A slightly more linear checkout flow perhaps – an example based on Rinkit from UK


Rinkit delights customers across the United Kingdom and Europe at prices that can’t be matched in retail stores or by their online competitors. Now that sounds good?

How about the checkout experience? Can it be matched? Well, thinking about the average experience nowadays – there might be areas to look into.

Without going too much into detail, checkout is one of the areas where a lot of sales are lost. Period. As the one-click checkout might take some more time to arrive to the majority of the world, we might want to take some baby steps in order to not lose some considerable revenue.

So here’s our take on Rinkit’s checkout flow, it’s not perfect, it does not cover all the details, but it does cover the rough idea that we want to convey. We encourage you to have a look and try out the current checkout and think – how are you ranking and is there any room for improvement?

Suggested reading: Top 5 Principles for an Improved Checkout Design

Cheers 🙂

Brought to you by:

  • Lauri – UX/UI Design
  • Franz – UI Animation
  • Team UXD – Brainstorming

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