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Ecommerce customer reviews: why you need them and how to use them? (episode 1)


It is not a secret that 61% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase decision, and they are now essential for e-commerce sites. Also it is not a secret that User reviews are proven sales drivers, and something the majority of customers will want to see before deciding to make a purchase.

We recently asked Ecco what are their challenges in that area and they highlighted one key thing. How to visualize customer reviews that are really valuable and make them look more exciting, attractive and interesting. Data visualization is always a challenge.

This is how it currently looks on their site. It is informative for sure, but does it feel positive, exciting, inviting?

We brainstormed a bit and the video shows what we came up with. What if you can mark the type of feedback as positive or negative and then the system can auto-summarise the top 3-5 review metrics to the above the fold area.

Our hypothesis is that more people will be attracted to dive into the super positive reviews and if data is visualised more clearly and in a bit more exciting way – that could really help the sales.

AB test material?

Brought to you by:

  • Lauri – UX/UI Design
  • Franz – UI Animation
  • Team UXD – Brainstorming

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